Mucho ha pasado en estos últimos meses. Quizás podemos extender eso a más tiempo….mucho ha pasado desde que me fui, mucho desde que tenemos una nueva administración aprobada por mayoría (no olvidemos eso), mucho desde que la gente empezó a darse cuenta de que “coño, este gobernador con cara de pendejo nos está clavando”. Y añado yo…sin vaselina!
Mas sin embargo, en estos últimos meses han sido los estudiantes de la “Uipi” los que han alzado la voz de protesta. Y no es la UPR de Río Piedras solamente, nada que ver, diez de once recintos se han unido a la protesta! Y de qué es la protesta? La protesta es en contra de los intentos de la administración de limitar los derechos de educación a la gente. Con la excusa de la crisis, se pretende reducir las exenciones, subir la matricula….espera, ustedes saben esto. Por qué no he dicho nada al respecto? Por eso mismo, ustedes ya saben. Estudiantes, profesores, intelectuales, artistas, abogados, padres y muchos más se han expresado al respecto y mucho mejor de lo que yo puedo hacer, así que me he limitado a exponer al crudo las palabras de aquellos que me hacen orgulloso desde el extranjero (y siempre en el extranjero). Poco puedo añadir yo, especialmente cuando no estoy allí. Sin embargo, he estado al tanto y, desde los blichers, he visto la en marcha la huelga más organizada desde que tengo memoria. Los estudiantes han hecho radio, han puesto al mundo al tanto, han convocado el uso de los medios, han hecho sus demandas y etc., pero ustedes saben esto. Mientras tanto, la administración he contestado con los mismos “jingles” de siempre: los estudiantes son unos revoltosos, lo que quieren es no tener clase, son reclamos injustos, están destruyendo la universidad, no dejan tomar clases a los otros, etc., pero ustedes también saben esto, como también saben que la administración ha extendido la mano y se ha hecho perra faldera de la administración de turno, implementando a la fuerza los recortes a la Universidad del Estado que, en lugar de atacar la crisis, lo que persigue es continuar el deterioro de la educación y reducirla a un colegio tecnológico para los que puedan pagar. Los demás, o no estudian, o se tienen que embrollar, siguiendo el “maravilloso” modelo educativo de la metrópolis. Y yo no sé ustedes, pero para mí, la educación y la salud no son negocios y deberían estar garantizadas para todos.
Pero la crisis, la crisis, la crisis….es lo único que dice la administración, tanto universitaria como la política. Que si los populares tienen la culpa y ahora todos estamos pagando (pasando por alto que ellos estaban a cargo de la mayoría de las alcaldías y la legislatura en el pasado cuatrienio), que todos nos hemos tenido que abrochar los pantalones, y la mejor, que los estudiantes son unos “malagradecidos”. Sí, con su cara de pendejo el gobernador despachó la protesta y puso a la policía a la orden para “ayudar” en contra de los malagradecidos esos, que lo que importa es una mayoría silente que es tan silente, que hasta invisibles son y no aparecen ni por los centros espiritistas. Así que ante los reclamos por mantener el sistema educativo y buscar medios alternativos para atender la crisis, el gobierno responde con la policía, cosa que no se había hecho desde los 80 pero que la administración buscaba hacer desde el día uno. ¿O ya se olvidaron de aquel enfrentamiento en la Avenida Universidad donde habían agentes provocando a los estudiantes y haciéndoles carpetas? En aquel momento también asaltaron con violencia a un estudiante, uno contra un grupo de guapetones con macana y gases. Desde ese temprano momento el gobierno dejó claro que su política iba a ser implementada a la fuerza y con violencia, una violencia que ha ido incrementando cada día y sin razón alguna. De los empujones pasamos a los macanazos, de los macanazos a los gases, de los gases a las pistolas “taser”. Demás está decir que me quedé con la boca abierta al ver como seguían electrocutando a un estudiante que ya estaba en el piso, neutralizado y casi estrangulado con una macana. Mientras tanto, arriba, el gobernador se servía de platos sobre $1,000.00 cada uno, para sus ambiciones políticas y sus acuerdos tras bastidores con las elites. Y es que el gobierno de Fortuño ha dejado muy claro que su promesa de cambio se traduce en ponerle un “se vende” a lo poco que queda de la isla, incluso a la Universidad, y al que no le guste, “such is life”. Pero, con todo y cara de pendejo, se va a hacer lo que ellos dicen a la brava, porque así siempre implementan la política los azules, mientras la mayoría del pueblo oye sus cantos de sirena sobre un Estados Unidos que nos va a salvar de todo -el paraíso prometido llega con la estadidad- y uno se pregunta si en realidad los azules se creen su propia mentira o están tan enajenados como el pueblo que los sigue. Esos mismos son los que justifican la utilización de la fuerza, se distancian de los estudiantes, se unen a los ecos de “malagradecidos”, y se niegan a escuchar las demandas de los estudiantes. Reducir sus demandas utilizando cuanto epíteto haya (si esos estudiantes son revoltosos, comunistas, socialistas, independentistas, vagos, malagradecidos, etc.) es mucho más fácil que pensar. Mientras tanto, los supuestos líderes alegan estar dispuestos al diálogo sin dialogar, se esconden en sus oficinas, no salen a enfrentar las demandas y si hacen el aguaje, no las escuchan, no ceden. ¿Por qué? Porque, de nuevo, esta es la política del todo cojón, de las elites, del que se joda el pueblo y que paguen ellos la crisis mientras los políticos siguen despilfarrando dinero, es la política que se advertía venir con Fortuño, pero la gente estaba harta de Aníbal y sus cargos por corrupción. Además, alguien tenía que pagar el desastre del “gobierno compartido”. En ese desespero y en el intento de tampoco reelegir al demente de Rosselló (como dice Tego; “el tipo se creía el mesías y to’”), cedieron a los cantos de sirena y las promesas de cambio, aun cuando se veía que lo que venía era desempleo, privatización y el uso de la fuerza para el que proteste. Por eso se nombró José Figueroa Sancha para Superintendente, famoso por utilizar spray contra periodistas en la oficina del FBI. Por eso no debe ser sorpresa que este tipo catalogue de héroes a los policías que han usado la fuerza contra los manifestantes, si carajo, esa es la política a seguir!
Sin embargo, los héroes aquí son y siguen siendo los estudiantes, quienes ejercen su derecho a protesta, su derecho a educación, y el derecho de los que vienen detrás de ellos. Son ellos los que han dado cátedra a un gobierno que responde con violencia antes los reclamos válidos del estudiantado. Y mientras más violencia ejerzan, más se les saldrá de las manos al gobierno de turno la protesta, más voces se unirán en defensa de los estudiantes y en contra de aquellos que pagaban sus platos de mil dólares a cambio de contratitos. Quizás sea este el comienzo de una nueva conciencia en donde maduremos y nos demos cuenta que la política va más allá de partidos y los gobernantes están para servirnos, no para servirse de nosotros. Quizás sea este el comienzo de una resistencia a partir de la educación, en donde se responda a la macana con demandas, argumentos, e información. Quizás este sea el primer paso para aprender a defender lo que consideramos nuestro, organizándonos para el bienestar de nosotros como pueblo y dando un paso al frente por nosotros, sin dejar que sean otros los que nos digan lo que hay que hacer, decir y creer. Quizás (y solo me puedo servir de quizás), este sea la primera página de un libro que todavía tenemos que escribir como pueblo, el comienzo de un verdadero cambio.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
“El artista y el intelectual independientes se cuentan entre las contadas personalidades que siguen estando equipados para ofrecer resistencia y combatir el proceso de estereotipación y la muerte consiguiente de las cosas dotadas de vida genuina.”
-C. Wright Mills
( Power, Politics, and People, Ballantine, 299)
-C. Wright Mills
( Power, Politics, and People, Ballantine, 299)
Monday, May 10, 2010
It was in "Californication" that the idea of a blog was kind of clarified for is ship, crap, not-writing, a no-no....but it was the manager that said "the whole idea of a blog is to have some sense of ungoing narrative" or something like order to follow that spirit, I will post a line every week now, from a miserable recicled quote to whatever the hell I feel to spill my guts. Call me narcicistic, call me egomaniac, call me stupid, call me whatever the fuck you want (I am used to it! I got so fucking many names now!), I will still care an ass-rat about it, call it bluff, and go on...not in the City of Angels, not even in A city....but in the ongoing road that I call this whole thing.
Not yours,
Not yours,
Sunday, May 09, 2010
los high-true
“Los auténticos intelectuales nunca son más ellos mismos que cuando, movidos por una pasión metafísica y por desinteresados principios de justicia y verdad, denuncian la corrupción, defienden al débil, se oponen a una autoridad imperfecta u opresiva.”
-Edward Said
(Representaciones del intelectual, Paidós, 25)
-Edward Said
(Representaciones del intelectual, Paidós, 25)
Friday, May 07, 2010
Scanned by X-rays
Is it here! Finally, we are safe! It’s the body-scan machine at the airports. These new machines (totally Total Recall shit), now ready to use in different airports around the world, can scan every person to they-oops-blue rays private parts. Yep, no more bombs hidden in the, well, hidden parts (not so much now…should we call them the ex-hidden parts?). That, of course, in addition to the “cease and desist” of more knives, toothpaste, creams, water, medicines, perfume…and all those threats that people usually want to take with them when traveling, which we have been experimenting already since the “War Against Terror”, or should I say “War Against a Resolution”? (Maybe the “War of the Energizer Bunny”?…it keeps going and going and going….and going!) So in addition to the persecution that we have suffered since 9-11 as citizens, now, finally, we also have the machine! Oh the wonders of science, the thing can strip us down, without any touching! For many people, the idea of no touching summarizes it all. At the end of the day, you don’t want some random guy to be doing that, won’t you? At least not without any foreplay first! So the new machines can strip you with a look-mom-no-hands! modus operandi. If you ask me, the whole idea of strip me down implies touching, but hey, that’s just me.
However, according to Jon Hilkevitch of Chicago Tribune (March 15, 2010), I got it all wrong: it is better for them to not touch you and have you all naky in X-ray (sorry, no Technicolor). We will be safer and the people watching the scan won’t even be there (they will be watching in a dark chamber and they are not allowed to go outside until you are already gone from the area). So, according to Mr. Hilkevitch, all is good, all is alright; we are just making another step into the future and a better use of technology in “the land of the free”. But who, you may ask, is this Jon Hilkevitch? Well, he is the objective reporter who wrote about the use of this machine in the O’Hare Airport. According to him, this machine is a dream came true. Again, who in their right mind would object this? Maybe some of those whiny liberals who complaint about progress. But neo-hippies always has an issue, don’t they? We have to underline what is at stake here according to Chicago Tribune: without any touch, they will know what is it that we hide underneath our clothes, from a gun to out over-weight little sins. If the latter…damn that fucking hot-dog I just ate! If the former, well, oh how grateful we must feel for invading our private space via X-RAYS. All in the name of freedom and our tea-party-bangers fathers. Oh, that’s right, I am being unfair again. Let’s go back to the “objective” news then…and it is that the people scanning these machines will never see your face because they will be in a room and cannot go outside until each and every person that they saw scanned are on their way to the planes. They also can’t see details, because it is just a X-ray picture after all, so they cannot even send those to the internet! Haven forbids there’s something wrong on the scan they will search and touch every corner of you anyways, but hey, if you are a goody-goody that won’t happen, you don’t have anything to hide and at the end of the day…safe…we are all going to be safe.
Ah, safety, such a neat word, isn’t? We have allowed so many things to let go in the name of safety….from what we carry on flights to our own houses, filling them with security guards, walls, locks and bars. Seems like everyday the average citizen is treated more and more as a criminal. In the name of safety, we have been manipulated with fear, and in some point we defined freedom as it’s opposite, because at the end of the day, these are all “sacrifices” we have to do in the name of freedom. And with that sense of feeling safe and to defend our freedom we should applaud the new machine, no? After all, according to the reporter, we still have the choice to object and be subjected then to the messy touch of the search strip. But, first of all, why do we need to be subjected to any search at all? We keep enduring all these “inconveniences” while the real terrorists still get on the plane and Osama-whatever-his-name-was still on the run. So why do I need to choose between someone touching me with latex gloves or being stripped down by X-rays? Both forms are an invasion to my privacy as a private citizen, specially when they are done “randomly”. We all know the meaning of that: every person with a turban will be “randomly” chosen, a black man would “randomly” chosen, and of course me, the brown skin with an Arab look (specially if I don’t shave that day). Second, our choice of choosing our favorite strip is bull-shit. I was there Mr. Hilkevitch, in the Durham Airport, where they “randomly” chose me for a complete search (I didn’t shave that day). No questions asked they put me on the machine, told me I was going to be X-rayed, to take everything out of my pockets, to leave my hands up in the air (what the fuck? I am definitely shaving next time!), to move to the other direction, and finally to wait near the guard while the people in the dark chambers gave the green light. Of course, they did, but right there, at that moment, I felt totally powerless, subjected to this invisible force without being able to defend myself, not even of talking, just putting my hands in the air, like a criminal. In other words, psychologically raped…one of the worse feelings I remember ever. After that I thought to myself, how is it that people accepts this intromission? How much are we willing to compromise without any questioning, without protesting? How castrated have we become that all around the world we accept more and more punitive methods against our regular lives? We have been brainwashed to accept losing our rights for the sake of protecting ourselves against an invisible other, and it is because of that invisibility, that we are have made to belief we always need more and more to be “safe”…God knows what that monstrous other looks like so everybody is a suspect. Whatever happened to “presumed innocent unless proven otherwise”?
So it is here. And apparently no one cares. All I hear is silence, like that silence I heard and felt while being subjected to the scanning, like the silence of our dead will to question authority and to still believe and defend our human rights. And that idea, ladies and gents, it’s even scarier than the X-Ray machine itself.
However, according to Jon Hilkevitch of Chicago Tribune (March 15, 2010), I got it all wrong: it is better for them to not touch you and have you all naky in X-ray (sorry, no Technicolor). We will be safer and the people watching the scan won’t even be there (they will be watching in a dark chamber and they are not allowed to go outside until you are already gone from the area). So, according to Mr. Hilkevitch, all is good, all is alright; we are just making another step into the future and a better use of technology in “the land of the free”. But who, you may ask, is this Jon Hilkevitch? Well, he is the objective reporter who wrote about the use of this machine in the O’Hare Airport. According to him, this machine is a dream came true. Again, who in their right mind would object this? Maybe some of those whiny liberals who complaint about progress. But neo-hippies always has an issue, don’t they? We have to underline what is at stake here according to Chicago Tribune: without any touch, they will know what is it that we hide underneath our clothes, from a gun to out over-weight little sins. If the latter…damn that fucking hot-dog I just ate! If the former, well, oh how grateful we must feel for invading our private space via X-RAYS. All in the name of freedom and our tea-party-bangers fathers. Oh, that’s right, I am being unfair again. Let’s go back to the “objective” news then…and it is that the people scanning these machines will never see your face because they will be in a room and cannot go outside until each and every person that they saw scanned are on their way to the planes. They also can’t see details, because it is just a X-ray picture after all, so they cannot even send those to the internet! Haven forbids there’s something wrong on the scan they will search and touch every corner of you anyways, but hey, if you are a goody-goody that won’t happen, you don’t have anything to hide and at the end of the day…safe…we are all going to be safe.
Ah, safety, such a neat word, isn’t? We have allowed so many things to let go in the name of safety….from what we carry on flights to our own houses, filling them with security guards, walls, locks and bars. Seems like everyday the average citizen is treated more and more as a criminal. In the name of safety, we have been manipulated with fear, and in some point we defined freedom as it’s opposite, because at the end of the day, these are all “sacrifices” we have to do in the name of freedom. And with that sense of feeling safe and to defend our freedom we should applaud the new machine, no? After all, according to the reporter, we still have the choice to object and be subjected then to the messy touch of the search strip. But, first of all, why do we need to be subjected to any search at all? We keep enduring all these “inconveniences” while the real terrorists still get on the plane and Osama-whatever-his-name-was still on the run. So why do I need to choose between someone touching me with latex gloves or being stripped down by X-rays? Both forms are an invasion to my privacy as a private citizen, specially when they are done “randomly”. We all know the meaning of that: every person with a turban will be “randomly” chosen, a black man would “randomly” chosen, and of course me, the brown skin with an Arab look (specially if I don’t shave that day). Second, our choice of choosing our favorite strip is bull-shit. I was there Mr. Hilkevitch, in the Durham Airport, where they “randomly” chose me for a complete search (I didn’t shave that day). No questions asked they put me on the machine, told me I was going to be X-rayed, to take everything out of my pockets, to leave my hands up in the air (what the fuck? I am definitely shaving next time!), to move to the other direction, and finally to wait near the guard while the people in the dark chambers gave the green light. Of course, they did, but right there, at that moment, I felt totally powerless, subjected to this invisible force without being able to defend myself, not even of talking, just putting my hands in the air, like a criminal. In other words, psychologically raped…one of the worse feelings I remember ever. After that I thought to myself, how is it that people accepts this intromission? How much are we willing to compromise without any questioning, without protesting? How castrated have we become that all around the world we accept more and more punitive methods against our regular lives? We have been brainwashed to accept losing our rights for the sake of protecting ourselves against an invisible other, and it is because of that invisibility, that we are have made to belief we always need more and more to be “safe”…God knows what that monstrous other looks like so everybody is a suspect. Whatever happened to “presumed innocent unless proven otherwise”?
So it is here. And apparently no one cares. All I hear is silence, like that silence I heard and felt while being subjected to the scanning, like the silence of our dead will to question authority and to still believe and defend our human rights. And that idea, ladies and gents, it’s even scarier than the X-Ray machine itself.
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